Friday, March 26, 2010
Video from youtube called The Amazed Cat by Pimpinelachanel.
Hey how are you guys? Good? Because I sure am. Yesterday I got home from being in Vermont for 4 days. I have to say that I had a really good time. I tried Rosetta Stone a language learning system. I used the one that taught french. It was amazingly really understandable and very cool. And another thing we did was take a hike through the forest and had a lot of fun. I walked through a very full and high current creek. And it was freezing! I mean really as cold as the water from Titanic! And when I got out I had mom pour the water out of my boots. And every 5 minutes I asked her to do it again. I also had to climb over this log and about ten times I almost fell off. But after I got across mom called me brave for climbing a log that was on top of a raging creek. Anyway another thing I did was I was always running through the woods and said I was the daughter of Artemis and Pan. Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and Pan is the god of the wild. And in fact before this my school did the greek plays. Mine was great and I made a lot of people laugh. But at the end we messed up a little. But we corrected it. So anyway everyone did a great job and I loved all of them. So back to Vermont I had a great time. One day Judy took me to get some stuff for my little cousins that are coming up there for the Summer and we stopped at a candy store and got some maple fudge and peanut brittle that was totally YUM! I also watched G-force the movie with Guinea pigs and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. And I had sushi at this great sushi place. So the day before we left my mom and me were left alone and decided to go see the movie The Bounty Hunter. It was okay not the best but it was at times funny. And after we went to a chinese place and ate chinese food that was amazing. And later that night we watched two TV shows called The Middle and Modern Family. They were both really funny. And you guys should watch them sometime. So then the next day we got into the car and drove home. And when we were in NYC we called dad and told him we left late and were still in Massachusetts. He was really upset but when we got back I gave him the surprise of his life knocking on our door. So then when mom got back from parking the car we went to the new re-opening of my favorite pizza place La Pizzeta. And it was great. I got my favorite Penne al a Vodka. And at night me and mom made an apple pie. And today I took A walk with my dad to buy some stuff to make macaroons. We got an egg beater and shredded coconut. And for the pizza my mom is making tonight we got 2 whole wheat pizza doughs, tomato sauce, and for some reason salad. Then when we got back we made the macaroons and they look fantastic. That is all for now talk to you guys later.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hey guys. Sorry I didn't have time to write to you guys. But I've been busy with my schools Greek plays. You see everyone in the 5th grade does the Greek plays. It's when 5th graders write plays and if yours gets picked the rest of the fifth graders play it out. But sadly mine didn't get picked. But it's ok because the one I'm doing is great. It's called The Daughter of Artemis. I play Aphrodite goddess of love. But I'm really today going to say happy St. Patrick's Day. You guys know the story right? The story is a man named Patrick beat the snakes out of Ireland. So now we celebrate St. Patrick's Day. So anyway I wish you guys a happy St. Patrick's Day and wear a lot of green. Because I did today but when I got to school only an estimate of 14 people wore green. And my school has over 700 kids! Anyway now that we are on the school subject I will talk to you guys about my school life lately. Today in theater class we preformed our plays we have been working on. I played a big part in the first one called 3 Strong Woman. And a small part n the third one called When the Twins went to war. but I did have some mess ups in 3 Strong Woman. But nobody noticed. And after that I went outside and played some very brutal 4 square. Everyone kept saying stuff like "Your out," and "No I'm not redo," Yeah it was kind of serious. Anyway after that I went to english history and once again did the practice for the Greek plays which are on Friday. Wish me luck.
So wear green and hope you guys have a great St. Patrick's Day.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Pork Bun!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tim Burton on Mars?

Sup guys it's Lucy.On Sunday I went to a Tim Burton Exhibit it had props from movies, drawings, and sculptures. Like the had Sweeny Todd's razors, a cookie cutter from Edward Scissor Hands, The singing dolls from Willy Wonka, The characters from Corpse Bride, and the characters from Nightmare before Christmas! It was awesome. And after we went to a mars themed restaurant. It was so cool the entire placed was like mars. The waiters were dressed up. The food was okay. And when you left you took a shuttle back to earth. It was awesome.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hey guys you know the video 3 year old cries over Justin Bieber? Well check out this video of her wish coming true! this is from youtube called jimmy kimmle- Cody meets Justin Bieber by shinegirlsshine
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