HEY guys one of my friends sent me this really cool pic that makes you see Jesus. I will put above this blog.It is small so I will tell you what it says. Look at the 4 small dots in the middle for 40 seconds then look at the closest wall and you will see Jesus.
Lady GaGa one of my favorite disco singers her music is great. But I just saw a video from youtube by interscopeGeffenAM of her live and she sounded nothing like her music! I will put the video above this blog. Anyway I love her and my mom told me shes coming to New York and she is thinking about going with her friends. But not me :{ She said she wouldn't go if the tickets were over $50. Today is Thanksgiving and I went to Suzie's house. I didn't have turkey because I'm a new vegetarian. I played Hide and seek with my cousins Macy and Mia and my sister Maggie. And I played my violin for the whole party and also played a song with Mia while she tap danced. We played limbo, jumped on the bed, rode on a tractor and four wheeler, and ate chocolate cream pie yum!
It was a great Thanksgiving even though I had no turkey.
Hey guys, I know its been a long time since we talked. But I have something to tell ya. I got a CELL PHONE! It's very cool it's a EnV touch. Not only that I have two vids to show you guys number 1 I are cute kitten frome youtube by nalts. And Let me in! by simonscat from youtube. enjoy