Wednesday, December 31, 2008
HELLO its Lucy and today my mom left us. It is sad trust me. I also saw a play today called Les Miserables. Its the story of a man named Jon val Jon who was arrested for stealing a piece of bread. Oh he was in jail for 19 YEARS. Then He makes a promise to a woman named Fantine that he would find her daughter Cosette and raise her. It was really good so go see it NOW. I also ice skated today with my grandparents neighbors Clara and her mom. The ice was really smooth because Clara came over before we went to the play and helped us get all the snow off the pond.Oh the bad thing that happened when I ice skated was my toes where frozen. And when I took off my skates my toes were pink. And guess what Its 15 degrease up here in Thetford Vermont. And the bad new s is I'm leaving in 2 days. So BOOHOO for me.
Monday, December 29, 2008
YO its Lucy right from the slopes of the Dartmouth ski Lodge. I guess you know what I did today. I skied! and fell over about 5 times. I went on the bunny hill with my mom twice. NOT the best skiing teacher EVER. But after that horrible skiing I had a skiing lesson with a guy named J. It helped J was the best to help me since I've not skied for 2 years. The bunny hill was WAY higher then I thought it would be so I was a little scared. BUT J did not make me do things I did not want to do. So we stayed at the bottom of the bunny hill and skied there. Sometimes we went up a little higher and skied. But I think it will be a while before I ski again. So I guess till then i will ice skate.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
GOOD DAY its Lucy and its about 45 degrease up here in Thetford Vermont. So its a little warm. Today I played with the dogs it was fun. I also did not go to ski today. It was sad but it does not matter. And today we are going to eat dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I just know its going to taste great. I think I will eat some pork buns at the restaurant. I hear its going to be good to ski tomorrow. And then I will ice skate. So yeah I'm looking ford to tomorrow.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Here is a pic of the dogs

The white one with a little black on her head is Chloe. The black one with a little white on her belly is Sam. The one next to Sam is Gus. And the one next to Gus is Nick.
HEY HEY HEY its Lucy and its my second day up in Thetford Vermont. It is about 34 degrease up here so its a little cold. Outside of my grandparents house their garden is covered in a blanket of snow. Today I went outside to play in the snow with the dogs it was the best. I was going to ski today but we think that it is going to rain. So instead we are going to ice skate on a really beautiful frozen lake. My mom is going to teach me because I have never ice skated before. I am reading a book up here so far its really good. Its by Stephen King its name is Duma Key.
The white one with a little black on her head is Chloe. The black one with a little white on her belly is Sam. The one next to Sam is Gus. And the one next to Gus is Nick.
HEY HEY HEY its Lucy and its my second day up in Thetford Vermont. It is about 34 degrease up here so its a little cold. Outside of my grandparents house their garden is covered in a blanket of snow. Today I went outside to play in the snow with the dogs it was the best. I was going to ski today but we think that it is going to rain. So instead we are going to ice skate on a really beautiful frozen lake. My mom is going to teach me because I have never ice skated before. I am reading a book up here so far its really good. Its by Stephen King its name is Duma Key.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Here is a funny video from youtube called holy grail- killer bunny by gorgorth101 its really funny trust me.
GOOD EVENING its Lucy and I am in Vermont with my grandparents Howie and Judy. Howie and Judy love dogs they have 4 there names are Chloe, Nick, Sam, and Gus. I had a bad drive up here it was a 5 hour drive it was horrible. But that does not matter what matters is that I'm going to be here for a week and play with the dogs its going to be great. Tomorrow I'm going to ski I'm a little scared because I have not skied in awhile. Howie and Judy's house is colonial its really cool they have books from the 17 and 18 hundreds which mean they are really old. Pretty much everything here is colonial or a antic but ether way its amazing. My mom is here to but she is only staying here with us for 2 days so that means me Maggie and Howie and Judy are going to be mother free for 5 whole days its going to be great. But the one thing I don't want to happen is for all the fun to go so quick and then before I know it its time to get in the car and drive back to New York in the car for 5 horrible hours but I don't think anything bad will happen.
GOOD EVENING its Lucy and I am in Vermont with my grandparents Howie and Judy. Howie and Judy love dogs they have 4 there names are Chloe, Nick, Sam, and Gus. I had a bad drive up here it was a 5 hour drive it was horrible. But that does not matter what matters is that I'm going to be here for a week and play with the dogs its going to be great. Tomorrow I'm going to ski I'm a little scared because I have not skied in awhile. Howie and Judy's house is colonial its really cool they have books from the 17 and 18 hundreds which mean they are really old. Pretty much everything here is colonial or a antic but ether way its amazing. My mom is here to but she is only staying here with us for 2 days so that means me Maggie and Howie and Judy are going to be mother free for 5 whole days its going to be great. But the one thing I don't want to happen is for all the fun to go so quick and then before I know it its time to get in the car and drive back to New York in the car for 5 horrible hours but I don't think anything bad will happen.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

GREETINGS today I saw young Frankenstein it was really funny. There was fun music and jokes and tuns of crazy every second. I have seen some good Broadway shows but my new favorite is now young Frankenstein. I also got a really cool globe thing there its really cool here is a pic above this blog.

And here is another video from youtube called very funny cats 4 by n3os3r
Here is a video called stupid cats part 2 from youtube by leorocks5
HELLO MY FRIENDS its Lucy and yesterday I had a sleep over with my best friend Maria it was really fun everything was awesome {BUT NOT HER BROTHER Z.}.we beat him up though he was so easy to hurt a mouse could beat him.
Here is a video from youtube called funny bird by punjabii12

Greetings its almost Christmas and its going to the first one with Edward. Today Gia a girl in my class got me the best secret Santa gift it was a kitten calender it rocks.
YO its Lucy and I would like to wish you all great Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.
Check this its from youtube called funny animals by dude4nl
Check this video from youtube called Carolyn Scott & rookie by musicaldogsport
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